Giving Thanks At Christmas

Residents sent out 100 'Rainbows of Thanks' in a special Christmas project.

This year we decided to show our appreciation for all the amazing individuals and organisations who have supported us throughout 2020 in a joyous, creative Christmas project.

Resident Sylvia, a celebrated artist, led our team of residents in painting 100 bespoke rainbow Christmas decorations. She was ably-assisted by team members with resident’s families and their children also painting some at home.

Sylvia, who has exhibited at the Royal Academy and the Paris Salon said: “I was more than keen to get involved and continue to enjoy my love of painting. And it is so nice that these are being sent out to be enjoyed by others in the community”.

The hand-painted rainbows with messages of thanks, were sent to the many members of the Abingdon community who have stayed connected to Bridge House during the past ten months.

Recipients included local musicians, such as Ben Heaney, who conducts YouTube concerts for our residents, schools who have sent in letters and quizzes for us, and families who have kept up a steady stream of chocolates and other gifts to lift the spirits of the care team.

Rainbows were also sent to keyworker staff in local hospitals, pharmacies, and supermarkets.

Lifestyle manager, Chantelle Merritt said: “This has been such a joyful project for all of us. We have been getting so many lovely messages from people who we have sent rainbows, telling us how touched they are. Some have sent us photos of themselves holding their rainbows – including two little girls, Iyla (6) and Matilda (2), who together with their family have been a constant support on social media as well as dropping off cards and drawings for our residents.”